Building a World-Class Outbound Program

6 Lessons


Total: 32 minutes


Resources: 7

Josh Garrison has spent the majority of his career optimizing sales processes for companies of all sizes, ranging from one-person startups to multi-billion dollar public companies.

What stood out to him the most? This glaring truth: outbound sales is stuck in the past.

In this course, Josh lays out the steps to building a repeatable, scalable, and profitable outbound sales process. He’ll cover how to prioritize data to deliver the perfect message, to the perfect person, at the perfect time.

In this course, you’ll learn how to:

  • Establish a rock-solid targeting framework to define your ideal customer
  • Craft messaging that hits home with your ideal customer at the right time
  • Build that smash quotas out of the park
  • your way to >25% reply and >10% meeting rates
  • as much of your outbound process as possible
  • And more!

TL;DR: You’ll learn a battle-tested framework for evaluating, optimizing, and automating an outbound sales process that leaves your competition in the dust 😏

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Josh Garrison

VP of Product Education & Content,